Pants For PAAR

Andrew Drecnik, Staff Writer

The Women in History & Literature course is a relatively new class for Upper St Clair high school. It has only been around for a couple of years, but its already made an impact on the school.

Each year for their pba the class comes together and does some kind of big project. Last year they worked on passing a law that would end child marriage. The class worked with Representative Natalie Mihalek on making their idea become part of Pennsylvania law. This year they’ve decided to help a different group of people this year: victims of rape.

Rape is one of the worse crimes one can commit, it traumatizes the victim for life and affects the families and friends of anyone it happens to. Fortunately, there are organizations that are ready to help those who have suffered from rape.

Pittsburgh Action Against Rape, more commonly known as PAAR, is a state-of-the-art rape crisis help center. Its goal is to help victims of rape by providing them whatever they made need.

PAAR was started by three women back in 1972 and has grown into one of the best rape centers in the world.

The sweatpants serve as something for victims to wear when they go home since they have to leave their clothes in the rape kit. With this in mind, the Women in History & Literature class decided to hold sweatpants drive at the high school.

Jadyn Shaver, a junior at Upper St Clair high school, had this to say about the upcoming pants drive, “I think that it’s a very worthy cause and I hope that people in the school are willing to donate.”

Mrs. Humes is one of the co-teachers of the class and is one of the organizers for the event. She described her role as, “My main role is to track if people bring in pants for NHS or MYP hours, that’s my main role, otherwise I teach people about their role.”

Mrs. Humes helped her students learn their roles and let them take over, but she is not the only teacher involved with the drive.

The class is trying to get as many donations as possible, and when all is said and done, there will be a celebration. Anyone who donates a pair of pants is invited to attend the PANTS PAARTY. The party is scheduled to be on January 14th and will include snacks, dancing, and other activities for donors to enjoy.

Ms. Buccilli is the other teacher teaching the Women in History & Literature course, when asked about how she thought the drive would do, she said, “We’re expecting a lot of sweatpants because we got a lot of MYP and NHS students involved, and we’re also involved with a lot of girl groups in the school.”

With lots of key people and groups around the school involved, it looks like the pants drive will be very successful. Hopefully the pants drive will inspire students to learn more about PAAR and how they can help rape victims.